Oh dear! Thais sounds painful! NOT if we keep it positive and treat it like an adventure! Hey! It’s fun to grow and become stronger, happier and more effective. Those are good things! It’s just that growth in many of the key areas of life doesn’t just happen… WE HAVE TO TAKE AN HONEST LOOK AT OURSELVES AND DECIDE TO CHANGE! It all begins with SELF-ASSESSMENT!

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DeAnza Duron Comment
The Laugh A Lot Club

Laughter will help minimize the pain, awkwardness and potential shame in a situation by minimizing its significance, refusing to let it negatively label anyone, and moving on, with confidence and intentionality. Laughter destroys the silence and isolation that can grow in an atmosphere that lacks joy and lightheartedness. Laughter can give that extra strength and focus that is so needed to face the inevitable daily challenges. Laughter releases tension and stimulates creativity. Laughter unifies, and bonds us together, deeply and positively. 

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DeAnza DuronComment
Sure I’d Love To!

If serving is indeed the mark of greatness, then teaching our children to verbalize a willingness to help when asked is truly crucial. It was important enough in our family to write a song about it, and we sang it throughout our kids’ childhoods!

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DeAnza Duron Comment
Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No

We’re not dealing with robots obviously; our children’s emotions are quite developed and often expressed dramatically (ya think?…). That is not abnormal.  They have no filters, understanding, or behavior patterns until we as loving, patient adults walk them through these early years and form their perspective. 

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Stay Connected

Children know when they are priorities. And sadly, they know when they are not.

All children need their parents to BE AWARE of them all the time. This doesn’t mean front and center with our attention 24-7.  But it does mean an emotional (and I believe, spiritual) “heart connection”.

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DeAnza Duron