Stay Connected

Children know when they are priorities. And sadly, they know when they are not.

All children need their parents to BE AWARE of them all the time. This doesn’t mean front and center with our attention 24-7.  But it does mean an emotional (and I believe, spiritual) “heart connection”.

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DeAnza Duron
Happy, Healthy, Full of Energy!

If my words were that important in creating positive direction in my day, it was crucial for my kids to learn to speak life too! I made a very real commitment to instilling into my children WORDS that would become a lifelong source of joy & strength.

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Q&A: What is the best advice to stop siblings from fighting?

Question: What is the best advice to stop siblings from fighting?

Answer: I think every parent is challenged in this area. It always motivated me to realize that the home is the “safe place” God intended kids to learn the basic skills of social interaction, obedience, honesty, and working out challenges together. If they don’t learn them with their family, chances are their future is very limited and disappointing to them and to everyone involved For example, their boss will simply fire them, the spouse will leave them, etc. Thank God He put us all in families where we can learn the big stuff without losing our name and family position!

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